iNotesPress — WordPress Note Taking plugin for teams
2 min readOct 14, 2021
- A Noteworthy and the most beautiful note-taking plugin for WordPress.
- Notes for resources like Posts / Pages / Attachments / Woo Products.

Possible usecases which you might experience,
- Add notes
- Share what you and your team need to remember.
- Share thoughts and opinions
- Do reviews
- Link references
- List future roadmaps
Technologies & Tools used
- WordPress — Open-source content management system written in PHP. Includes a plugin architecture and a template system.
- Rollup — JavaScript bundler which compiles small pieces of code into something larger and more complex, such as a library or application.
- Preact — For building user interfaces and UI components. Fast 3kb React alternative.
- SASS — CSS preprocessor. Helps to keep things organised. Enables you to use things like variables, nested rules, inline imports and more.
- Buble — The blazing fast, batteries-included ES2015 compiler.
- Lodash — JavaScript utility library.
- redux-zero — A lightweight state container based on Redux.
How to Use?
- Download zip
- Move this source code to the
folder of WordPress and extract it. - Run
npm install
to install JS dependencies - Run
npm build
to build JS bundle. - Go to plugins sections in WordPress and activate the plugin.
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LinkedIn : Kamesh Sethupathi